Detective Agency Frankfurt

Our office in Frankfurt

A business detective agency for all companies

  • Fraudulent sick leave
  • Working time fraud
  • Industrial espionage
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Investigations in the private law environment

  • Cheating
  • Cheating/Unfaithfulness
  • Custody
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Our office in Frankfurt

PRIMECHECK Detektei Frankfurt

Schumannstrasse 27
60325 Frankfurt

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PRIMECHECK detective agency in Frankfurt am Main

PRIMECHECK, the private and business detective agency, investigates numerous cases for you in and around Frankfurt. Regardless of whether you are dealing with private or commercial investigations – PRIMECHECK is your right contact in Frankfurt.

You will find our office in Schumannstraße in Frankfurt’s West End between the trade fair and the main train station. Whether Gallus, Bockenheim, Nordend or Ostend, our detective agency Frankfurt am Main is easily accessible for you. You can make an appointment for a non-binding consultation or inform yourself about our services by calling the uniform nationwide telephone number +49 (0)800 – 72 43 252. You can also reach us via our contact form. However, we will also be happy to offer you a callback at a specific time. For this purpose please click on the callback request.

Business Detective Agency PRIMECHECK

The most frequent commercial investigations take place in the event of theft. We find out for you whether the perpetrator is an internal employee, customer or supplier. PRIMECHECK’s range of services also includes investigations into sabotage or unfair competition.

In addition, we investigate cases of espionage. We will find out what is the cause that could harm you.

Do you suspect that your employees are using the sick certificates as an excuse to perform other secondary activities? Then we are the right partner for you in Frankfurt am Main. Of course, we treat your assignment discreetly and under the highest data protection requirements in order to protect your anonymity.

Business detectives investigate, among others, at

  • Expense fraud
  • Fraudulent sickness report
  • Industrial espionage
  • Computer criminality
  • Counterfeit brands
  • Insurance scam
  • Bugging operations
  • Theft

Private detective agency PRIMECHECK

A typical assignment for private detectives is the clarification of infidelity between spouses. If you also suspect that your partner has an affair but you cannot be certain, we will be happy to take care of your case.

Our detectives can also locate missing persons and uncover the reason for their disappearance.

PRIMECHECK’s private detectives uncover life and income circumstances in order to be able to justify missing alimony payments if your ex-partner should refuse. On the other hand, we determine whether your ex-partner is already in a new marriage-like relationship and you are therefore no longer liable for maintenance.

Private detectives investigate, among others, at

  • Fraud
  • Infidelity
  • Computer fraud
  • Child abduction
  • Maintenance questions
  • Custody dispute
  • Stalking
  • Harassment

The PRIMECHECK Detectives in Frankfurt am Main

You can be sure that the PRIMECHECK detective agency in Frankfurt am Main acts professionally, reliably and discreetly in all private and commercial investigations.

Our detectives regularly attend internal and external training courses as well as further education measures in order to maintain the high level of the detective agency. They are also trained in the use of technical aids.

It is important to us to be able to provide you with sound and conclusive answers to your questions. The detectives at PRIMECHECK work result-oriented and ensure the best possible service at a fair price.

Our private and commercial detective agency not only works for you in Frankfurt am Main, but also throughout Germany and Europe. Should your case extend beyond the national border, we also have detectives on duty worldwide.

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu PRIMECHECK

Your PRIMECHECK advantages with our business detectives

  • Absolutely discreet and secure
  • Highest data protection standards and anonymity protection
  • Evidence that can be used in court
  • Clarity in the shortest time
  • Fixed price guarantee

We care about you intensively, take time for you and listen to you. Without any time pressure, we conduct an intensive consultation with you, in which we not only actively listen to you, but also suggest ways to solve your problem situation. We keep a cool head even in special situations and arrange the right steps to help you as soon as possible.

Certificates and memberships


International Detective Association

I.D.A. International Detective Association is an international and transnational network of private and business detective agencies that promotes and supports the wealth of experience and information between detective agencies and investigators at an international level.


Koordinator Betriebliche Ermittlungen

The IHK certificate was obtained by PRIMECHECK in a three-part training course and ended with the certificate ” Koordinator Betriebliche Ermittlungen”. The certification is offered by VSW in cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.


DEKRA certified according to DIN 9001: 2015

Our company is Dekra certified according to DIN 9001: 2015, which guarantees you constant quality management of our company processes and constant quality assurance. For reliable cooperation at the highest level and to continuously improve the quality of our service.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik

Members of the DGfK – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik are exclusively proven experts in criminalistics. The DGfK promotes the exchange of science, practice, education and training in the field of criminalistics.


Association of international private detectives

The PRIMECHECK detective agency is a member of the VID and thus part of a worldwide network of professional private detectives, which guarantees a competent exchange on an international level.

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