Employee monitoring – are you allowed to monitor your employees?

January 6, 2023

Employee monitoring to prevent economic damage

Employee surveillance is very advisable to protect your company from damage by employees or to stop illegal behavior. For this purpose you can hire a business detective agency. We at PRIMECHECK have specialized in economic matters and can therefore help you competently in matters of employee surveillance. Do your employees behave loyally towards your company? Can you trust your employees? Or have there perhaps been incidents which have caused mistrust? If you want to get to the bottom of the truth, we are here for you! All our detectives are highly trained and can therefore deliver quality work. All surveillance measures are of course carried out discreetly and covertly, so that none of your employees can even suspect anything. Thus, if a crime has been committed, we can quickly gather solid evidence and provide it to you. If necessary, you can also use this successfully in court!

Detective employee monitoring – Trust in a first-class work of our business detectives

Whoever hires PRIMECHECK can rely on first-class work. In case of suspicion, do not hesitate any longer and contact us immediately! This is the only way we can keep the damage as low as possible. After contacting us, you will be assigned a personal investigator. You can contact this person at any time with questions and other concerns. Of course, the investigator will also communicate intensively with you during the course of the investigation and will always keep you up to date on all findings. Since very high amounts can be involved very quickly, it is very important that you act promptly with our help. You can contact us easily via our website and arrange a non-binding meeting.

Are you allowed to monitor your employees? We clarify!

There are a few things to consider when it comes to employee monitoring! We will be happy to explain them to you, so that you can legally and safely conduct employee surveillance and ensure safety. First of all, it is important to know that surveillance should never last longer than necessary, and certainly not for many weeks. Depending on the suspicion, different lengths of investigation are aimed at. In the case of suspected wage continuation fraud, the investigation should last approximately three to four days. In the case of suspected working time fraud, the investigation may last up to a maximum of two weeks. Under no circumstances should investigations last longer or be carried out without proper suspicion. This means that no observations should be carried out without a reason.

Why employee monitoring is allowed and important in some cases

We have already clarified that employee monitoring is permitted. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind to avoid getting into trouble yourself. It is very important that you have a so-called “legitimate interest”. Only if this is the case, our detectives can start with the investigation. For example, do you want to monitor an employee who repeatedly calls in sick? Then the repeated sick calls are not sufficient to prove a legitimate interest. It is important that there are actual clues that trigger your suspicions. You should carefully document all suspicious events in order to be able to use them as justification. In addition, it is very important that your suspicions actually involve a crime or crimes, such as theft or work time fraud. Only then can a legitimate interest be accepted and a detective agency be hired.

Employee monitoring – Professional and discreet

There are many reasons to conduct employee monitoring! Whether for example continued payment fraud, expense or accounting fraud, theft, embezzlement or competition violations, we at PRIMECHECK can help you professionally. Employee surveillance is, if there is a legitimate interest, a legitimate and legal means to clarify illegal behavior within your company. Business detectives are specialized in exactly such cases and can therefore quickly provide certainty. You can have employees observed both inside and outside the company. Our detectives adapt to each case individually and develop an investigation plan tailored to your needs. In principle, employee surveillance is allowed and a good method to clarify illegal behavior. However, it is also important to take into account the data protection laws that prevail in Germany. Especially when it comes to personal data, it is important to act with extreme caution and responsibility.

Detective employee monitoring – what measures can be enforced?

Various measures include, for example, individual searches. In addition, we can help you with various technical tools regarding time recording, which can take over a certain control function. Observations are also a possibility of control measures to monitor the employee. We would be happy to work out an individual and case-related measure in a personal meeting.
Various measures include, for example, individual searches. In addition, we can help you with various technical tools regarding time recording, which can take over a certain control function. Observations are also a possibility of control measures to monitor the employee. We would be happy to work out an individual and case-related measure in a personal meeting.

Erfahrungen & Bewertungen zu PRIMECHECK

Your PRIMECHECK advantages with our business detectives

  • Absolutely discreet and secure
  • Highest data protection standards and anonymity protection
  • Evidence that can be used in court
  • Clarity in the shortest time
  • Fixed price guarantee

We care about you intensively, take time for you and listen to you. Without any time pressure, we conduct an intensive consultation with you, in which we not only actively listen to you, but also suggest ways to solve your problem situation. We keep a cool head even in special situations and arrange the right steps to help you as soon as possible.

Certificates and memberships


International Detective Association

I.D.A. International Detective Association is an international and transnational network of private and business detective agencies that promotes and supports the wealth of experience and information between detective agencies and investigators at an international level.


Koordinator Betriebliche Ermittlungen

The IHK certificate was obtained by PRIMECHECK in a three-part training course and ended with the certificate ” Koordinator Betriebliche Ermittlungen”. The certification is offered by VSW in cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.


DEKRA certified according to DIN 9001: 2015

Our company is Dekra certified according to DIN 9001: 2015, which guarantees you constant quality management of our company processes and constant quality assurance. For reliable cooperation at the highest level and to continuously improve the quality of our service.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik

Members of the DGfK – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik are exclusively proven experts in criminalistics. The DGfK promotes the exchange of science, practice, education and training in the field of criminalistics.


Association of international private detectives

The PRIMECHECK detective agency is a member of the VID and thus part of a worldwide network of professional private detectives, which guarantees a competent exchange on an international level.

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