Private and business detective agency

As a detective agency for all economic and private matters, we create clarity for you and secure evidence. Our main motto is highest discretion and a professional as well as conscientious approach to realize the desired or agreed goals as quickly as possible and without much fuss.

Active throughout Germany and worldwide

You can find us at 18 locations in Germany and throughout Europe. We investigate for you.

Our head office is located in Cologne, but we do not only investigate for you in the entire federal territory, but are also active for you internationally – if required. A global network enables us to offer you optimal order fulfillment anywhere in the world.

Trained detectives

Tested quality

Best possible results

Free initial telephone consultation incl. detailed clarification beforehand

You may have many questions. Especially if you have never worked with a detective agency before, you certainly want to know a lot about our activities, procedures and the legal basis. We take time for you and advise you in detail.

Of course free of charge and without obligation.

Photo and video evidence

Without solid evidence, our investigations are usually of no use at all. Therefore, every case is fully documented and evidence is secured. Of course, you will receive all photographic and video evidence.

Of course, it is also ensured that the evidence obtained by us can be used in court.

Guaranteed data protection and anonymity

Our investigations are, of course, carried out in accordance with the applicable data protection laws. In addition, we provide our services exclusively discreetly and keep you as the client in the background. Your anonymity is preserved at all times. Even within our company, your personal data is handled with the utmost care.

Fixed price guarantee

After a detailed consultation, we will agree a fair fixed price with you that covers all services. This way, you know from the outset what costs you will incur and will not experience any unpleasant surprises. We offer you transparency and security.

Your PRIMECHECK benefits with our private and business detectives

  • Absolutely discreet and secure
  • Highest data protection standards and anonymity protection
  • Evidence that can be used in court
  • Clarity in the shortest time
  • Fixed price guarantee

We care about you intensively, take time for you and listen to you. Without any time pressure, we conduct an intensive consultation with you, in which we not only actively listen to you, but also suggest ways to solve your problem situation. We keep a cool head even in special situations and arrange the right steps to help you as soon as possible.

Certificates and memberships


International Detective Association

I.D.A. International Detective Association is an international and transnational network of private and business detective agencies that promotes and supports the wealth of experience and information between detective agencies and investigators at an international level.


Koordinator Betriebliche Ermittlungen

The IHK certificate was obtained by PRIMECHECK in a three-part training course and ended with the certificate ” Koordinator Betriebliche Ermittlungen”. The certification is offered by VSW in cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce.


DEKRA certified according to DIN 9001: 2015

Our company is Dekra certified according to DIN 9001: 2015, which guarantees you constant quality management of our company processes and constant quality assurance. For reliable cooperation at the highest level and to continuously improve the quality of our service.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik

Members of the DGfK – Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kriminalistik are exclusively proven experts in criminalistics. The DGfK promotes the exchange of science, practice, education and training in the field of criminalistics.


Association of international private detectives

The PRIMECHECK detective agency is a member of the VID and thus part of a worldwide network of professional private detectives, which guarantees a competent exchange on an international level.

    What problem can we solve for you?

    We are looking forward to your message!

    If you would like to send us a message, please fill out and submit the form below. We will then receive your message immediately and get back to you as soon as possible.

    Note on data protection: By using our contact form, you agree, that your data will be used to process your request. This data will not be passed on to third parties. You can object to the use of your data at any time by sending an e-mail to
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    News and things to know

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